Dental disease is painful, and leads to serious health concerns. 

Unless your pet has a clean and healthy set of teeth, they can’t be 100% happy. Teeth covered in tartar, leads to gum disease. In its early stages, gum disease is reversible. However, if left, it may progress and can impact heavily on quality of life.

What are you doing to keep your pet’s teeth clean? Brushing their teeth? Feeding raw bones? Maybe your pet prefers whole raw, even frozen, carrots, to crunch on…. 

August is Pet Dental Health Month, an initiative of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA). This is what Dr Tara Cashman, spokesperson for the AVA, has said about how to achieve good oral health in pets.

“Dental disease occurs above and below the gum line. It’s extremely difficult to get a full picture of what’s going on in a pet’s mouth when it is conscious, because disease below the gum line can’t be seen.

“To properly examine, diagnose and treat dental disease in pets, it must be done by a veterinarian while the animal is anaesthetised. This ensures the experience is a pain free for the pet…..and the veterinarian can complete a thorough inspection of every single tooth, and address any problems on the spot.

Yearly, thorough, dental examinations by veterinarians, are important in identifying and treating problems early”

Has your pet’s teeth been checked in the past 12 months? Maybe it’s time to come in for a visit. Our vets can help you plan how to keep your pet’s teeth clean in a way that suits you best.

If you have any questions about dental care, please call us on 3284 5133, or you may also find the answer in our Dentistry FAQs page.