Congratulations on the addition of a new puppy to your family!
A puppy can be a challenging commitment, especially if this is your first. There are many places to find valuable information and hints on what is best for puppy growth and development.
Here are some things to consider.
There are a number of infectious diseases that affect puppies. Several are serious and indeed can be fatal. Fortunately, it is possible to protect against them by the use of vaccines. We recommend the following course, which will protect against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Bordetella.
This level of vaccination is required for local boarding kennels and dog obedience classes.
When we vaccinate puppies, we always include a thorough health check.
First shot: 6-8 weeks old……C3 Vaccine (usually done while still with their mother)
2nd shot:10-12 weeks …….C5 Vaccine
3rd shot:14-16 weeks …….C5 Vaccine
Next booster: 12 months later at 16 months of age…….C5 Vaccine (see our page on Vaccinations)
We recommend the following schedule using a good broad spectrum allwormer (MILBEMAX). Many tablets and liquids sold in pet shops and supermarkets do not kill all worms.
Between 3 to 8 weeks old……WEEKLY (The number of tablets depends on their weight)
8 to12 weeks old……EVERY 2 WEEKS
3 to 6 months old……..MONTHLY
If you see worms…… it more often.
A killer disease spread by mosquitoes, prevention of this disease is simple. Dogs should be put onto heartworm prevention no later than 4 months of age.
We recommend monthly tablets at first (MILBEMAX), then an annual injection(PROHEART SR12) when they are being desexed at 6 months of age. (See our page on Heartworm Prevention)
It’s not true that allowing a female dog to have a season or a litter first will prevent them from getting fat. Only a good diet and plenty of exercise will do this.
Desexing is best done at 6 months of age for both males and females. While your pup is with us for the day being desexed, we can also repair umbilical hernias if present, remove any remaining temporary teeth, remove extra dewclaws, microchip, and give a heartworm injection.
Having their desexing operation is a milestone in your puppy’s life and we strive to give you both the best possible experience. (See our page on Desexing)
When your puppy is microchipped a small implant is permanently injected under their skin, which can be scanned for a unique number that is recorded on a database with your contact details.
If your puppy is already microchipped before you bring them home, it’s important to change the contact details on the database as soon as possible.
Queensland Government Law requires our dogs and cats to be microchipped by 12 weeks of age. (See our Microchipping page)
For puppies, we recommend a PREMIUM DRY PUPPY FOOD, which is formulated for small, medium or large breeds. It can be softened with warm water to make it easier to eat.
Feed puppies four times a day until 8 weeks of age, then three times daily to 12 weeks, then twice daily thereafter. At 6 months of age they can be fed once a day.
When changing diets, or introducing anything new, it is important to change gradually over five days to avoid tummy upsets.
Do Not Feed dogs: chocolates, onions, macadamia nuts, grapes, sultanas or raisins.
It is important to have good flea control from the beginning. Fleas accumulate in the dog’s environment and progressively become harder to control.
We recommend the ACTIVYL Spot-on monthly treatment, which can be used safely from 8 weeks of age. NEXGARD is a chewable monthly tablet for fleas and ticks, that is very effective and safe from 8 weeks of age. ADVANTAGE spot-on can be used on pups from 2 days of age, so is a safe option for younger pups.
Some chemicals cannot be used with others, so always check labels of products before using them in combination with others. Please contact our surgery for advice if you are unsure.
Puppies that have graduated from our Puppy Preschool classes rush into the surgery, with their tails wagging, confident, and excited to see us. They have positive memories of visiting the vet and this helps to make future experiences more successful.
Puppy Preschool is a socialisation class that also introduces you to the early stages of obedience training.