
Years of Experience: 15 Years

Started with Us: February 2021

Other Info: Loves horse riding and playing polocross.


Dr Abigail grew up with her two brothers, riding horses, mustering cattle and looking after chooks, dogs, pigs and poddy calves on her parents’ beef cattle property, near the small country town of Dingo in Central Queensland.  Her family has always been conscientious about keeping animals healthy, and this combined with her exposure to helping vets perform their services on their property nurtured an interest in animal husbandry.

From about 10 years of age, she had decided that being a vet was the only thing she wanted to do.  This saw her graduate in 2007 and pursue her career in mixed practice, before traveling to the UK where she became more focused on small animals and surgery.

Dr Abigail is passionate about building relationships with her clients, and caring as much for their pets, as they do.  She has her own horses and enjoys riding and playing polocrosse outside of work.  Dr Abigail strive’s to make a positive difference in people’s and pets’ lives in any way she can.